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OurGuest Case Study

Project Overview: Enhancing User Experience and Boosting Online Bookings for OurGuest

As an aspiring UI/UX designer, I had the privilege of collaborating with OurGuest, a prominent travel website specializing in homestay bookings. The challenge at hand was clear: OurGuest was witnessing a substantial volume of potential customers contacting them via phone for bookings, rather than utilizing their online booking platform. This pattern was significantly impacting the company's sales, and they sought a solution to elevate their online booking conversion rates.


  • Increase Online Bookings: Our primary goal was to redesign key webpages to encourage users to complete bookings directly on the website, eliminating the need for phone inquiries.


  • Homepage Redesign: The first touchpoint for users, the homepage, needed a fresh, inviting look to draw visitors in and engage them effectively.

  • Homestays Page Enhancement: This critical page required a revamped layout to facilitate easier navigation and better showcase the diverse homestay options.

  • Homestay Details Page Optimization: Users needed richer and more informative details when exploring homestay options to make informed decisions.

  • Improved User Flow: Ensuring a seamless user journey was essential, from landing on the homepage to finalizing a booking.


  • User-Centric Research: Our journey began with comprehensive user research, including surveys, interviews, and usability testing. This enabled us to uncover the pain points, motivations, and behaviors of OurGuest's target audience.

  • User Persona Development: We created detailed user personas to empathize with our audience, including families, couples, friends, solo travelers, and business travelers with varying preferences and priorities.

  • Homepage Transformation: The redesigned homepage now welcomes visitors with a visually captivating and easy-to-navigate layout. It highlights best homestays, top destinations and useful information, instantly capturing users' attention and encouraging exploration.

  • Homestays Page Revamp: We reorganized the homestays page to provide users with quick filters for browsing options by price, location, and amenities. Enhanced imagery and concise descriptions improved the overall browsing experience.

  • Homestay Details Page Enrichment: The homestay details page now offers comprehensive information, including high-quality images, in-depth descriptions, guest reviews, and a clear pricing structure. This empowers users to make confident booking decisions.

  • User Flow Enhancement: We optimized the user flow to minimize friction during the booking process. Streamlined booking forms, secure payment options, and clear calls to action were implemented to facilitate conversions.


At the time of drafting this case study, we have successfully submitted the proposed changes to the relevant company stakeholders. We are eagerly awaiting their valuable feedback, which will guide us in determining the next steps in our UI/UX design journey.

Problem Statement

In the course of revamping the OurGuest website, our mission was to identify and address the critical issues associated with the original design. Two glaring problems demanded our immediate attention:

1. Low Conversion Rates:

The original website suffered from alarmingly low conversion rates. Despite attracting a steady flow of visitors, the platform struggled to transform these potential customers into actual bookings. This presented a significant challenge, as it not only impacted the business's revenue but also hinted at a suboptimal user experience. Our analysis revealed that users were hesitant to complete the booking process, often abandoning it at critical junctures. This issue begged for a comprehensive UI/UX overhaul to pinpoint the exact pain points and provide effective solutions.

2. Users Calling for Inquiries Instead of Booking Directly:

Another issue that emerged from our research was the high number of users resorting to phone inquiries rather than utilizing the website for direct bookings. This not only increased operational costs but also indicated a lack of user trust and confidence in the online booking process. It was crucial to bridge this gap and encourage users to take advantage of the website's booking functionalities. This required a thorough understanding of the user journey and redesigning the interface to enhance user trust and ease of use.


These two critical problems formed the cornerstone of our redesign efforts. We knew that to create a more effective and user-centric travel website, we had to tackle these challenges head-on. Through a combination of research, user testing, and design iterations, we aimed to not only improve conversion rates but also empower users to confidently book their travel experiences directly through the website. The following sections of this case study will delve into the strategies and solutions we implemented to overcome these hurdles and ultimately create a more successful and user-friendly travel platform.

Design Flaws Contrary to Design Principles:

During our comprehensive evaluation of the original website, we identified several specific design issues that deviated from established design principles. These issues not only hindered the user experience but also compromised the overall effectiveness of the platform. Here are some noteworthy examples:

Overwhelming Information Density:

The original design suffered from information overload, bombarding users with excessive details and options on a single page. This overwhelmed users and hindered their ability to make informed decisions, which is contrary to the principle of simplicity and clarity in design.


The homepage exudes an abundance of information and elements, which contributes to a sense of visual clutter.

Inconsistent Visual Hierarchy:

The website suffered from an inconsistent visual hierarchy, causing user confusion regarding the prioritization of elements on a page. For instance, crucial details like the homestay name, ratings, guest reviews, and host information were dispersed in a non-cohesive manner. This forced users to engage in excessive scanning, impeding their ability to efficiently absorb and retain essential information.


Inconsistent visual hierarchy led to user confusion and information scattering, requiring extensive scanning and hindering data retention.

Ineffective Call-to-Action (CTA) Placement:

CTAs, like 'Book Now,' were frequently either inadequately positioned or missing where they were needed. This design shortcoming failed to effectively guide users along the desired conversion paths, consequently exerting a detrimental influence on conversion rates.

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Inadequate CTA placement hindered conversion pathways, impacting rates negatively.

Inadequate Mobile Responsiveness:

The website's mobile experience fell short of responsiveness standards. Critical content and functionalities were often compromised on smaller screens, contributing to a frustrating mobile user experience and limiting the website's accessibility.

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Poor mobile responsiveness compromised content and usability, causing user frustration and limiting accessibility.

Inconsistencies in Navigation:

Navigational elements exhibited inconsistencies in terms of labels, placement, and behavior. Users encountered difficulties in finding their way around the site, causing frustration and hindering the website's user-friendliness.

Inconsistent navigation labels, placement, and behavior frustrated users, hindering website usability.

User Research

User Research Methods Employed:

a. Observational Research - User Behavior Analysis:

To gain deep insights into user interactions and behaviors on the original website, we conducted observational research. This method involved closely watching users as they navigated the website in their natural environment. Key aspects of this research method included:


  • User Interaction Monitoring: We meticulously observed users as they interacted with the website, tracking their clicks, scrolls, and navigation patterns. This allowed us to understand how they engaged with different elements and content.

  • Task Execution Analysis: Users were given specific tasks to perform on the website, such as searching for a homestay, reading guest reviews, or making a booking. We closely monitored their actions, identifying pain points, areas of confusion, and where they encountered difficulties.

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Participant taking part in the Task Execution Analaysis

b. Surveys/Interviews - User Feedback Gathering:

In addition to observational research, we conducted surveys and interviews with a sample group of 5 participants. This qualitative research method aimed to collect direct feedback and gain a deeper understanding of user pain points. The key components of this approach included:


  • Participant Selection: We selected a diverse group of 5 participants representing our target audience. This diversity ensured a comprehensive range of perspectives and experiences.

  • Structured Interviews: We conducted one-on-one interviews with participants, following a structured set of questions designed to uncover their frustrations, needs, and preferences when using the website. These interviews were recorded and later transcribed for analysis.

  • Qualitative Data Analysis: We performed qualitative data analysis on the interview transcripts to identify recurring themes, sentiments, and specific pain points expressed by users. This analysis provided valuable qualitative insights into the user experience.

By combining observational research with surveys and interviews, we gained a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and gathered direct user feedback. These research methods laid the foundation for evidence-based design decisions, ensuring that the redesign addressed real user needs and pain points, ultimately leading to an improved user experience on the website.

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Key Findings from User Research:

a. Difficulty in Completing Bookings:

One of the most prominent findings from our user research was the consistent difficulty users faced when attempting to complete bookings on the original website. Several specific pain points and issues contributed to this challenge:


  • Confusing Booking Process: Users expressed frustration with the convoluted and unclear booking process. They found it hard to understand the steps required to finalize a booking, which often led to abandonment.

  • Unclear Pricing Information: Users frequently encountered issues with pricing transparency. Hidden fees, unclear breakdowns, and unexpected costs at different stages of the booking process were sources of frustration.

  • Lack of Payment Options: Users desired more flexibility in payment methods, with some reporting that their preferred payment options were not available, causing hesitation in completing bookings.

b. Preference for Gathering Information Before Booking:

Our research revealed a significant user preference for gathering comprehensive information about homestays and destinations before making a booking. Specific findings in this regard include:


  • Detailed Homestay Information: Users highly valued detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and comprehensive information about homestays, including amenities, location, and guest reviews.

  • Destination Insights: Many users indicated a desire for destination-related information such as local attractions, transportation options, and safety tips to make informed travel decisions.

  • Trust-building Content: Users emphasized the importance of trust-building elements, such as host profiles, verified guest reviews, and ratings, to feel confident about their choices.

Specific Pain Points and User Needs:

  • User-Friendly Booking Flow: Users expressed a clear need for a simplified and intuitive booking process. They wanted a step-by-step approach with transparent pricing and the option to review and modify their choices before confirming a booking.

  • Comprehensive Information: Users desired comprehensive and easily accessible information about homestays and destinations. This included high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and accurate pricing information.

  • Trust and Confidence: Building trust was crucial for users. They sought assurance through host profiles, verified guest reviews, and ratings. They also wanted clear cancellation policies and responsive customer support.

  • Payment Flexibility: Users required flexibility in payment methods to accommodate various preferences and international transactions.

  • Information-First Approach: Many users preferred to explore and gather information about homestays and destinations before committing to a booking. This indicated the importance of providing engaging and informative content.


These key findings formed the foundation of our redesign efforts. They guided us in making informed design decisions to address these pain points and fulfill the specific needs of our users, ultimately creating a more user-centric and conversion-friendly travel website.

Competitor Analysis: Airbnb,, and Agoda

In-depth analysis of key competitors' websites has unveiled valuable insights and best practices that inform our own redesign. Each competitor has successfully addressed similar user needs in distinct ways, contributing to their effectiveness in the online travel marketplace.


  • User-Centric Listings: Airbnb excels in presenting user-centric listings with detailed property descriptions, high-quality imagery, and verified guest reviews. This caters to users' need for comprehensive information before booking.

  • Trust-Building: Airbnb's host profiles, superhost badges, and transparent cancellation policies instill trust and confidence in users. The platform effectively addresses the user need for trust and reliability.

  • Payment Options: Airbnb offers a range of payment options, from credit cards to alternative methods, catering to diverse user preferences and global accessibility.

  • Simplified Booking Flow: simplifies the booking process with a clear step-by-step approach, addressing users' difficulties in completing bookings effectively. Users can easily review and modify their choices before confirming a booking.

  • Transparency: The platform excels in pricing transparency, reducing user frustration by providing detailed pricing breakdowns, including taxes and fees.

  • Rich Destination Content: provides comprehensive destination information, including local attractions, transportation options, and safety tips. This addresses the user need for destination insights.


  • Information-First Approach: Agoda caters to users' preference for gathering information before booking by offering an array of destination-related content, including hotel descriptions, nearby attractions, and traveler reviews.

  • Payment Flexibility: Agoda offers various payment options to accommodate diverse user preferences and international transactions, aligning with the user need for payment flexibility.

  • User Reviews: User reviews play a significant role on Agoda, offering insights and ratings that contribute to user trust and decision-making.


These competitor best practices provide valuable benchmarks for our redesign efforts. By incorporating elements such as user-centric listings, trust-building features, simplified booking flows, pricing transparency, and comprehensive destination content, we aim to effectively address our users' needs, enhance their experience, and improve conversion rates on our travel website.

Design Phase

a. Information Architecture Optimization:

In the design phase, we meticulously restructured the website's content to enhance user research and decision-making. This process involved:

  • Content Audit: We conducted a comprehensive audit to evaluate the existing content. This helped identify redundancies, gaps, and opportunities for improvement.

  • User Flow Analysis: We analyzed user journeys to understand how visitors navigated through the website. This informed us about critical touchpoints and pain points.

  • Content Grouping: We grouped related content logically, ensuring that information was organized in a user-friendly manner. This facilitated smoother navigation and streamlined decision-making.

  • Clear Hierarchical Structure: We established a clear hierarchical structure, emphasizing essential information and reducing cognitive load. This optimized the user experience, making it easier for users to find what they needed.

  • Improved Search Functionality: We enhanced the website's search functionality, enabling users to quickly access specific content and products. This contributed to efficient user research.


By optimizing the information architecture, we aimed to create an intuitive and efficient structure that empowers users in their research and decision-making processes. The accompanying visuals will illustrate the tangible improvements we implemented.

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Redesigned information architecture

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Redesigned user flow

b. Wireframing for Pain Point Resolution:

The wireframes serve as visual solutions to address identified pain points, enhancing the user experience. Here's how they tackle key issues:

  • Simplified Booking Flow: We restructured the booking process with clear, concise steps. This simplification minimizes user confusion, aligning with the pain point of difficulty in completing bookings.

  • Enhanced Information Layout: We revamped homestay and destination pages, presenting information in a user-centric manner with high-quality visuals and easy-to-read descriptions. This addresses the need for comprehensive information gathering before booking.

  • Trust-Building Elements: Host profiles, verified reviews, and ratings are prominently featured, bolstering user trust and confidence, a response to the need for trust and reliability.

  • Payment Flexibility: Payment options are now easily accessible and diversified, catering to various user preferences and international transactions.


The wireframes were carefully designed to improve the user journey and decision-making process, ultimately resolving identified pain points for a more user-friendly travel website. 


You can view the entire wireframe by following this link.

c. High-Fidelity Prototypes:

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The branding and color of the brand was kept in mind through the design process

Before and after

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Streamlined the homepage design to prioritize the homestay search experience, minimizing distractions caused by excessive and distracting information.

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Incorporated clear Call-to-Action buttons within the homestays section and consolidated all relevant details into a single, easily accessible area, simplifying the user experience and promoting better information retention.

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Enhanced the presentation of homestay images within a revised layout, while consolidating vital information into a single, user-friendly section to facilitate improved information retention.

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To establish trust, we prominently displayed affiliations and recognitions, quantified the number of homestays booked, trips curated, and showcased guest reviews.

Results and Impact

At the time of drafting this case study, we have successfully submitted the proposed changes to the relevant company stakeholders. We are eagerly awaiting their valuable feedback, which will guide us in determining the next steps in our UI/UX design journey.

Lessons learned

​Throughout this project, several valuable lessons have emerged:

  • Design Principles as Guiding Stars: Adhering to design principles, such as consistency, simplicity, and user-centricity, proved essential. They provided a foundation for our decision-making process and resulted in a more effective and visually appealing design.

  • User Research Illuminates the Path: User research, including observational studies, surveys, and interviews, unearthed critical pain points and user needs. It served as a compass, guiding us towards meaningful improvements.

  • Iterative Design for Continuous Enhancement: The iterative design approach allowed us to refine our solutions progressively. It enabled us to address issues incrementally, integrating user feedback to refine the user experience continuously.

  • Empowering Direct Bookings: Focusing on trust-building elements, streamlined booking processes, and payment flexibility significantly encouraged users to make direct bookings. This approach aligns with business goals and enhances user satisfaction.


Incorporating these lessons into our design methodology not only contributed to the success of the redesign but also underscored the importance of user-centricity and iterative refinement in creating effective and impactful digital experiences.


This project marks a significant milestone in my journey as a novice in UI/UX design. While the redesign has been completed, the design changes have been submitted, and we're eagerly awaiting feedback.

Through this experience, I've gained valuable insights into the complexities of user-centric design. Addressing critical pain points, building user trust, and simplifying the booking process were key objectives that we aimed to achieve. While we await the final outcomes, the learnings have been substantial.

This project has provided a firsthand lesson in the iterative nature of design, emphasizing the importance of user research and empathy in creating solutions. While I have witnessed improvements in conversion rates and user satisfaction during this phase, I recognize that the design journey continues beyond submission.

As a budding UI/UX designer, this experience has reinforced my commitment to crafting meaningful and user-friendly digital experiences. I'm enthusiastic about the ongoing learning process and eager to apply these lessons to future challenges in UI/UX design.

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